"The mentoring, leadership and networking opportunities through the scholarship are invaluable."

Haane Manahi Memorial Scholarship


Closing Date: 7 Apr 2025

Value: Up to $5,000

Offered By: Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust

Open to Ngati Whakaue descendents wishing to further their education in forestry, farming or trades at any tertiary provider.

This scholarship is established to assist Ngati Whakaue students and/or apprentices undertaking study, or an apprenticeship, cadetship, traineeship, that specialises in either forestry, farming, trades or service industries. 

The Board may award up to four annual scholarships not exceeding $20,000 in total, to cover unfunded course fees, required tools of trade for training purposes or other expenses at the discretion of the Board.

The scholarship is open to:

  • Ngati Whakaue descendants of an Original Owner in the Pukeroa Oruawhata Block or,
  • Descendants of one or more of the 6 Koromatua of Ngati Whakaue

Applicants must (preferably) be residents in the Rotorua District and must have attended for at least two academic years a secondary school in the Rotorua District.