Closing Date: 25 Nov 2025
Value: Between $1,000 and $3,000
Region: Bay of Plenty, Gisborne.
Offered By: Harwood Farm Trust
Study Level: First Time Student, Undergraduate.
Study Area: Agriculture, Arable, Red Meat & Wool, Dairy, Business & Management, Food Technology & Processing, Veterinary.
More Information:
Open to students with a connection to the East Coast of the North Island, with an interest in training/education in farming and its related disciplines.
Several grants will be made available - each grant will have a value of between $500 and $2,500 (the exact amount to be determined by the Trust). All types of farming are envisaged, together with on and off the job training and the provision of scholarships and prizes for the benefit of youth attending educational institutions in New Zealand which undertake agricultural courses.