"The mentoring, leadership and networking opportunities through the scholarship are invaluable."

Margaret Watling Scholarship


Closing Date: 31 Mar 2025

Value: $4,000

Teritary Institution: Lincoln University

Offered By: Margy Wathling Estate c/o Lincoln University

Open to students from the South Island to further their studies or obtain practical experience in a horticulture-related field at Lincoln University.

Up to two scholarships may be awarded, with the annual award totalling $4,000. Areas of study include: a certificate or diploma in horticulture, amenity horticulture or nursery management, with the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture or at an equivalent horticultural training organisation; a Lincoln University Diploma in Horticultural Management or equivalent; a Lincoln University degree in horticulture; a degree with an emphasis in the area of amenity or ornamental horticulture.